Divorce Options ® Workshop

A community service sponsored by Collaborative Practice California

If you are facing divorce or separation, you have many questions.

Get answers by attending a Divorce Options ® workshop. Divorce Options ® is a public education workshop offered through many Collaborative Practice groups in California.

How a Divorce Options ® Workshop Can Help You

Divorce Options ® will help you understand and manage the legal, financial and emotional aspects of this challenging life transition.

Divorce Options ® will help you explore your choices and make informed decisions about which process will most likely lead to your desired outcomes.

Divorce Options ® will help you take control of your divorce and move forward with your life, with guidance from trained professionals in law, finance and counseling.

Who Should Attend Divorce Options ®

Workshops are open to all individuals and couples in California who are contemplating separation or divorce

Divorce Options ® provides you with up-to-date, unbiased information about:

Find the answers to your important questions:

Learn the advantages and disadvantages of:

Get advice from professionals on how to:

Divorce Options ® workshops are presented by a team of Collaborative Divorce professionals trained in this unique process: a Collaborative Divorce lawyer, a financial specialist and a divorce/communication coach. Each team member has experience guiding other people like you successfully through a divorce without time consuming and costly litigation.

The cost for the three-hour workshop varies according to your local practice group.

You may attend individually or as a couple. While pre-registration is not always required, we prefer you RSVP to your local workshop.

Divorce Options ® workshops are uniformly presented by Collaborative Practice California member groups throughout the state.

What our clients are saying…

Divorce Options® Workshop Participant

Great workshop! Thanks so much for the Q & A.