Field development plan oil and gas definition

The development stage takes place after successfully completing the appraisal period and before the beginning of the field production.

Field Development Plans (FDPs) provide the necessary support for field optimization, and include all activities and processes required to optimally develop a field.

In general, development activities and processes involves:

In particular, the activities and people involved in the development stage

Typical Process Plant for Field Development – Technip

The development of an oil and gas field costs millions of dollars and may require long time (5-10 years) to be fully realized.

Costs and duration of the development phase depends on the location of the field, the size and complexity of the facilities, and the number of wells needed to achieve the production and economic targets.

A FDP must consider:

Once the field development plan is approved and before the beginning of production, some actions follow:

An example of an offshore field development scheme – (Gazprom)

To read more about a typical field development

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