How to Reinstate a Suspended License in Ontario: All You Need To Know

How to Reinstate a Suspended License in Ontario: All You Need To Know

Volodymyr Menok

President – Licenced Paralegal

> Licenced Paralegal in good standing with the Law Society Of Ontario
> Graduated with high honours from Sheridan College
> Speaks Ukrainian, Russian and Polish
> Joined TPS in 2014

Navigating the complexities of reinstating a suspended driver’s license in Ontario can be a daunting task. It involves understanding the legal framework, adhering to specific procedures, and meeting various requirements set by the Ministry of Transportation and the judicial system. This comprehensive guide is designed to provide you with all the necessary information, outlining the steps and considerations involved in the reinstatement process. Whether your license has been suspended due to traffic violations, DUI offences, or unpaid tickets, this guide will assist you in understanding the path to regain your driving privileges.

The Impact of a Suspended License on Everyday Life

A suspended driver’s license in Ontario can profoundly disrupt your daily life. This loss of driving privileges affects not just your mobility, but also impacts your employment, social engagements, and general ability to manage day-to-day activities. Without the ability to drive, routine tasks like commuting to work, grocery shopping, and taking children to school become significantly more challenging. Dependence on public transportation or the goodwill of friends and family for travel can lead to feelings of frustration and helplessness. In rural areas where public transport options are limited, this impact is even more pronounced, potentially leading to job loss or difficulty in fulfilling family responsibilities.

Understanding License Suspension

In Ontario, a driver’s license suspension is a legal action taken to temporarily revoke your driving privileges. This can occur for various reasons and can be initiated either by the courts, FRO office or the Ministry of Transportation. Understanding the specific reason for your license suspension is crucial, as it directly influences the steps you need to take for reinstatement. Judicial suspensions generally arise from criminal convictions like impaired driving, while administrative suspensions might be due to accumulating demerit points or medical reasons.

Causes of License Suspension

Demerit Points

Traffic violations can lead to license suspension, especially when they result in the accumulation of demerit points beyond a certain threshold. Examples of serious violations include speeding, careless driving, and failing to obey traffic signs. Each of these violations carries a specific number of demerit points, and accumulating too many within a set period leads to automatic suspension.

Traffic Offences

The law mandates automatic license suspension upon conviction for certain serious driving offences, including driving with a suspended license and stunt driving. This immediate suspension serves as a strict punitive measure to discourage reckless and unlawful driving behaviours. For instance, if a driver is convicted of operating a vehicle while their license is already suspended, the consequence is an automatic and immediate further suspension of their driving privileges. Similarly, stunt driving, which encompasses a range of dangerous driving behaviours such as excessive speeding and aggressive maneuvers, also triggers an immediate license suspension upon conviction. These measures reflect the seriousness with which the Ontario legal system treats these offences, underlining their commitment to road safety and the enforcement of lawful driving.

DUI Offenses

Driving under the influence (DUI) of alcohol or drugs is treated with utmost severity in Ontario. A conviction for DUI almost always results in immediate license suspension, along with other penalties like fines and possible jail time. The government takes these offences seriously as they pose a significant risk to public safety.

Unpaid Traffic Tickets

Failing to pay traffic tickets is one of the most common causes of license suspension in Ontario. This is seen as a refusal to comply with the legal consequences of traffic violations and is taken seriously by the authorities. The accumulation of unpaid tickets can trigger a suspension process.

Family Responsibility Office

License suspensions related to the Family Responsibility Office (FRO) are a specific category of suspension that occurs when individuals fail to meet their family support obligations, such as child or spousal support payments. The FRO is responsible for ensuring that support payments are made in a timely and consistent manner. When payments are not made as ordered by the court, the FRO has the authority to enforce these orders, which can include the suspension of the defaulter’s driver’s license. This type of suspension is a legal tool used to compel compliance with family support obligations, emphasizing the importance of these responsibilities. Reinstating a license suspended by the FRO typically requires clearing the outstanding payments or reaching an agreement with the FRO about future payments.

Consequences of Driving with a Suspended License

Legal Consequences

Driving with a suspended license is an offence in Ontario. If caught, you could face additional fines, an extended suspension period, and possibly jail time. These penalties increase significantly with subsequent offences, reflecting the seriousness with which the law views the violation of a suspension.

Financial Implications

There are substantial financial consequences associated with driving on a suspended license. These can include legal fees, court-imposed fines, and potentially higher insurance premiums once your license is reinstated. These financial burdens can be long-term, affecting your financial stability.

Impact on Insurance

Insurance companies often increase premiums for drivers who have had their licenses suspended, especially in cases involving DUI or serious traffic violations. Some insurers may even refuse to provide coverage, categorizing you as a high-risk driver.

How to Reinstate a Suspended License

Gathering Necessary Documentation

The process of reinstating a suspended license in Ontario begins with gathering all necessary documentation. This typically includes your current identification, proof of any fines paid or programs completed, and any relevant court or Ministry of Transportation documents. It’s crucial to ensure that all paperwork is up-to-date and accurate.

Addressing Outstanding Issues

Before applying for reinstatement, all outstanding issues must be resolved. This may include paying off any outstanding fines, completing required educational or rehabilitation programs, especially in cases of DUI offences, and ensuring there are no other pending legal issues that might affect your driving status.

Completing Mandatory Programs

For certain types of suspensions, particularly those related to DUI offences, you might be required to complete specific educational or rehabilitation programs. These programs are designed to address the behaviors that led to the suspension and to reduce the risk of future offences. Proof of completion is often a requirement for reinstatement.

Reinstatement Options

In-Person Reinstatement

Reinstating your license at a Service Ontario center is necessary if you need to present physical documents or have specific questions about your situation. This method allows for direct interaction with staff, which can be beneficial for clarifying any confusion and ensuring that all requirements have been met.

Online Reinstatement

For eligible cases, online reinstatement offers a convenient option. This process can be done through the Service Ontario website, where you can submit the necessary documents electronically and pay any associated fees. It’s a quicker alternative to in-person visits, suitable for straightforward suspension cases.

Timelines for Reinstatement

The timeline for reinstating a suspended license in Ontario is variable. It depends on several factors, including the reason for the suspension, your promptness in meeting all reinstatement criteria, and the administrative processes of the Ministry of Transportation. Once all requirements are fulfilled and the application is submitted, it typically takes a few weeks to process.

Costs Involved in Reinstating a Suspended License

The costs associated with reinstating a suspended license in Ontario can vary significantly depending on the reasons for the suspension. These costs can include administrative fees charged by the Ministry of Transportation, fines related to the original suspension, fees for any mandatory programs, and potential legal fees if representation was required. Additionally, once your license is reinstated, you may face increased insurance premiums, which can have a long-term financial impact.


Navigating the process of reinstating a suspended license in Ontario requires not only a thorough understanding of the legal system but also a commitment to responsible driving behaviour. While the process can be complex and sometimes costly, it is crucial for ensuring public safety and maintaining the integrity of the roadways. Understanding the reasons behind your suspension, whether it is due to non-compliance with family support obligations, traffic violations, or more serious offenses like stunt driving or operating a vehicle while under suspension, is the first step towards rectification.

The path to reinstatement often includes fulfilling legal obligations, such as paying fines or completing required programs, and demonstrating a commitment to safer driving practices. The administrative and financial burdens that come with reinstating a suspended license serve as deterrents against future infractions.

If you have any questions or require assistance regarding the process of reinstating a suspended license in Ontario, please do not hesitate to contact us. Our team is equipped with the knowledge to guide you through every step of this complex process. Whether you need clarification on legal procedures, assistance with paperwork, or advice on how to navigate the requirements for reinstatement, we are here to help. Understanding the intricacies of the law and the nuances of individual cases is our specialty, and we are committed to providing you with the support you need to successfully regain your driving privileges. Reach out to us for personalized guidance and professional support tailored to your unique situation.

Can I Reinstate My Suspended License Online?

Yes, if eligible, you can use the Service Ontario website for online reinstatement.